Thursday, 25 September 2008

Rough, smooth, shiny and dull.

Today we had a very active Science Lesson in which we sorted materials according to whether they were shiny, smooth, rough or dull.
It was excellent fun and the children worked great in their groups.

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Number Bonds Display

We have now finished our "Numbers in Love" display which will assist children in remembering their number bonds to 10.

The children have produced amazing work. The collage hearts are brilliant and the writing for the sums looks fanstastic.

Monday, 22 September 2008

Commotion in the ocean

Some children were reading "Commotion in the Ocean" today and acting out various parts together. In this photo, they were pretending to be the crabs in the story by walking sideways. Well done boys!!!

Friday, 19 September 2008

Fruit Time

We all enjoyed our fruit today....

Numbers in Love

1D working on our "Numbers in Love" display during our Art lesson.

It was lots of fun...we were very quiet!!!

Thursday, 18 September 2008

"Not Now 1D"

Today was a very enjoyable day in 1D. We went to the prayer garden and had some time to reflect on the senses that God has blessed us with. We explored our sense of touch, sound, smell and sight. When we were listening very queitly, we were very excited to hear planes overhead and the wind in the trees.
We also read 'Not Now Bernard' in Literacy. This is a story about a boy who is constantly ignored by his Mum and Dad. He is eaten by a monster and his parents don't even realise. The monster takes over Bernard's role in the family and Mum even tucks him into bed!!! ... the parents pay such little attention, they mistake the monster for Bernard. We all enjoyed this story. We decided to dramatise the story through role play and we had great fun. The children took on the roles of the different characters in the book.

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Role Play - The Grumpy Shopkeeper

The children are performing a role play which they created based on the story 'Oliver's Vegetables'.
One child is a shopkeeper who is so grumpy that he scares aways his customers. One day a customer tells him to look in the mirror at his face. The shopkeeper is so suprised by how grumpy he looks, he vows never to frown again.
From then on he becomes a happy shopkeeper and gets lots of customers coming into the shop to buy vegetables.


Welcome to 1D's website. The children are now settled back into school after their Summer holidays and are all working very hard.
We have been doing lots of interesting work since we returned.

In Literacy, we have been reading lots of non-fiction stories. The children have particularly enjoyed reading 'Oliver's Vegetables' and 'Amazing Grace'. We have been exploring these texts in detail and the children have been doing lots of work such as role play and writing full sentences.

In Numeracy, we have been consolidating our existing knowledge of the numbers 0-20. We have also been doing simple addition and subtraction. This week we have been focussing on 'money'. It has been really enjoyable. Why not test your child on the various coins and see if they can add some coins together!

In Science we have been exploring materials. Children have been discussing and analysing the properties of various materials.

We have been doing lots of other work across the curriculum. The children are all trying very hard in everything they do!