Friday, 24 October 2008


After promising to put this up all week, I have finally gotten around to doing it. I would like to thank all the children and parents for their hard work over this term. I hope everyone enjoys their week off and come back in November ready for fun and learning.

Apologies if all children's home are not here as I know everyone tried very hard.

Monday, 20 October 2008

Homework on homes

The children brought in excellent work this morning based on their homes project. I saw some marvellous model houses and excellent written work.
I will post some pictures of the homes on the blog - so stay tuned!

Sunday, 12 October 2008

1D Class Assembly

On Friday, 1D performed the 'Harvest Assembly'. All the children knew their lines perfectly and spoke in nice loud voices. There was also some brilliant singing! I was delighted with all the children and the hard work they put in. I hope they are all very proud of themselves. Well done 1D!

Following Instructions

This was absolutely brilliant - we followed instructions to make cornflour 'gloop'. We used keywords like 'first', 'next', 'then' and 'finally'.

Spanish Time

Magnet Time

We learned about magnets and what types of materials are attracted to them. We also tested the strength of various types of magnets.

Working together during ICT

The children are great at sharing the laptops and working together.

Rice Krispie Cakes

They all tasted great!!!

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Instructional Text

This week we are looking at 'instructional text' in Literacy. Yesterday the children followed instructions and made sandwiches which were extremely tasty. Today we made Rice Krispie cakes... they were very chocolatey indeed!... Pics of our cake making will be put up soon.

Sunday, 5 October 2008

Playdate update

More pictures of Friday's fun and various other pictures taken during the week.