Friday, 26 June 2009

How did you get your bad knee?

"How did you get your bad knee?" This was the title of the story we wrote this week... Why not ask your child how the character in their story cut their knee !!!...

The children were also fantastic at telling the time .... some children can now tell the time to within 5 minutes ... Well done 1D

Friday, 12 June 2009

Non Fiction Books

This week in literacy we have been creating Non-Fiction books.
The children have been writing about many interesting things such as sport, school, R.E., animals, food, drinks. The books have been fantastic!!!

Thursday, 4 June 2009

Planting seeds and more

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Planting seeds...

Welcome back 1D - today we planted seeds in our own little flower pots. We will be taking care of them over the next seven weeks and hopefully we will be able to take home some nice plants for our gardens at the end of the term.
I will try to get some pictures up of the children with their pots soon!