Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Tom Sweep and wonderful projects...

Firstly, a big thank you to those children who brought in their wonderful projects about their local area. Each child has been given the opportunity to do a 'show and tell' of their work to the class. I will endeavour to get images of the children displaying their projects up on the blog by the end of the week.

It's been a fantastic couple of weeks in 1D with lots of interesting work being carried out by the children.

In Literacy last week, we did some work based around a cartoon character called 'Tom Sweep'. Poor Tom was a road sweeper and no matter how hard he tried to keep the streets clean, someone always dropped rubbish on the ground. Using our imaginations, we gathered together a huge amount of information about Tom, his job and his family and this resulted in excellent writing being produced.

In Numeracy, we learned about halves and quarters amongst other things. To help us learn, we had lots of sweets which needed to be shared. First we shared them between two people making halves, then we shared them between four people making quarters.

Science was such a blast! We got lots and lots of different materials and tried to discover which ones were reflective!!! Some children got the opportunity to bring disco balls into the dark area and create reflections on the roof of the dark area by shining torches on the mirrored balls.

In R.E., we have been learning about 'Birthdays' and the special birthday of Jesus which we will celebrate on Christmas day. We spoke about how the Angel Gabriel visited Mary with the message that she would give birth to a special child. We also looked at the story of the Nativity.

All the children are really looking forward to Christmas and we made beautiful Christmas cards today. The children can bring them home tomorrow and share them with you.

Mr. Devereux.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have a great christmas and a rest!!