Friday, 14 November 2008

Hard at work...

Firstly, a big well done to all the 'Tutpuppies' who worked at home this week. Some of the BrownBear's are scoring really high and I've even managed to play against a few of you!!! ... so watch out for me!!!

In Literacy, we've produced amazing work in the last few days - especially in poetry. We have studied various poems with a focus on verses, rhyme and repeating patterns. I've even seen some children buying poetry books. This made me very happy as it displays a real interest in what they're learning.

In Maths, we looked at the clock - I was very surprised with all the great work done for homework!! The children were brilliant at telling the time, especially the o'clocks and half-pasts. We even managed to do some weighing yesterday and we had great fun measuring today. I measured all the childrens heights... can anyone remember their height?

In Science we have continued to look at light and dark. That was quite exiciting, especially because of the black-out sheet. I think we will use it again next week!

In RE we have been looking at God's creations and we made a collage to celebrate them.

Once again, it's been a really action packed week!!!
I hope you all have a great weekend and I'll see you bright and early on monday morning.

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