Friday, 21 November 2008

Tripp, Trapp, Tripp, Trapp, BANG, BANG, BANG!

This week we have been examining traditional tales in our Literacy lessons. We have had great fun role playing and writing about 'The Three Little Pigs' and 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff'.
We had a big writing day today! I asked the children to retell their favourite one of these tales in their literacy books.
This was very difficult as there was a lot to remember - which house got blown down first? what did the pigs say? what did the wolf say? how does a traditional tale begin? ... on top of this, we really had to concentrate on our phonics to get our spellings right!!!

In Science, we continued to look at 'Light and Dark'. I created a dark room for the children under the table. I passed in objects for them to feel and discover using their sense of touch. Last week some children didn't get a chance to go into the dark space so it was important that those children experienced complete darkness this week.

In R.E. we started a new topic entitled 'Birthdays'. We will be studying this topic for the rest of the term. We will learn about advent and celebrate the birth of Jesus.

The top 3 Tutpuppies at the moment are: BrownBear636, BrownBear574 and BrownBear623.
All can change very quickly though as it's close at top!!!

Have a nice weekend 1D,
Mr Devereux

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